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Friendship sms jokes

friendship sms jokes, sms humor, английские смс приколы, иностранные прикольные смс

A cute thought 4 those
who believe in f'ship:
Its not necessary to share
every secret between true frenz.
But d thing is dat watever u share, shud b true.If d universe started wid a bang
wen God loved & d angels sang
one of d sparks that flew
chased time 2 become u..!!

A cute thought 4 those
who believe in f'ship:
Its not necessary to share
every secret between true frenz.
But d thing is dat watever u share, shud b true.

One Friend to another:
what did u do on mothers day?
2nd Frnd: Helped many girls
to become mothers...

Ur my best frnd forever
n always v r 2gethr
n even if u die before I do
ill ask God if heaven
has got a room for two..!!

Frndship doesnt get closer by meetings
but its sweetened by thots
i care 4u.. ul never know
n perhaps i wil never show!

I believe in angels, d kind tat heaven sends.
Im surrounded by an angel
but I cal her my best friend.

Walk wid me wen ur heart needs company, take my hand wen u feel al alone, turn 2 me wen u need some1 2 lean on, coz Im d 1 u can always depend on!!

A frnd is sum1 ho listens n cares
a frd is sum1 who's alwys thr
A frnd brings happiness tat
can warm and mend
Im glad tat I can cal u a frnd!In this CRUEL Wrld, its vry difficult 2 find
a frnd wid a Beautiful Heart, Pure Feelings, Attractive Personality.
Dont LOSE ME..!

Some frnds 4get, Some move away
Some keep silent
Some jus change
But Im not 1 of em.
Im here jus 4 two moments..
Now & 4evr..!!

A life without friends is like
boobs without nipples...

One Friend to another:
what did u do on mothers day?
2nd Frnd: Helped many girls
to become mothers...

Dont get confused, 'SORRY' jus means
Y-YOU..And Tat's Me..

As v luk bck in r life
v remembr d tears v cried
jokes v laughd @
thngs v lost & missed by
bt thr is 1 thng v nevr regret
its d day v became frnds.

Ur Swt as GIN, hard as RUM, clear as VODKA, matured as WHISKY, refreshing as BEER.
In short ur a complete
BAR of frndshp.

Alone i can say
bt 2gthr v can shout!
alone i can smile
bt 2gthr v can laugh
alone i can only live
bt 2gthr v can celebrate
tats d magic of WE..!Wen u count best frnds, u may not count me;
Wen u count close frnds, U may not count me;
Bt wen u really need a frnd, Jus start frm ME..!!

Widout friends,ur lyk a book tat
nobody bothers 2 pick.
But as long as Im here,ur not only
best-selling bt u'll always b my
greatest collection..!

Old frnds r gold.
New frnds r diamonds
If u get a diamond, Dont 4get d gold
Coz 2 hold a diamond
U need d base of gold!

Stars r seen 2gethr, yet dey r so far apart.
Gud frnds may not speak everyday, bt remember dey r alwys linkd

D Willingness 2 Listen, D Patience 2 Undrstnd, D Strength 2 Support, D Hrt 2 Care, & just 2 b Thr
Tats d Beauty of Frndshp..!

Time may wear d edge of grief
Bt memories turn on every leaf
Time rolls on & shadows fall
Bt frndship & remembrance
outlasts dem all..!

Widout friends,ur lyk a book tat
nobody bothers 2 pick.
But as long as Im here,ur not only
best-selling bt u'll always b my
greatest collection..!

Old frnds r gold.
New frnds r diamonds
If u get a diamond, Dont 4get d gold
Coz 2 hold a diamond
U need d base of gold!Stars r seen 2gethr, yet dey r so far apart.
Gud frnds may not speak everyday, bt remember dey r alwys linkd

D Willingness 2 Listen, D Patience 2 Undrstnd, D Strength 2 Support, D Hrt 2 Care, & just 2 b Thr
Tats d Beauty of Frndshp..!

Time may wear d edge of grief
Bt memories turn on every leaf
Time rolls on & shadows fall
Bt frndship & remembrance
outlasts dem all..!

I wil walk wid u wen u want 2, bt jus promise tat u wil hide ur wings, Coz i dont want da whole wrld 2 knw tat
my frnd is an ANGEL..!

U've touchd my heart
u've touchd my soul.
Cos of u I nw feel whole.
U'll alwys b my closest friend.
u'll b in my heart til d very end..!

Life is not easy, and it will never be, bt remember u've got frnds, and one of them is me!

1+1=2 R Frndshp is true
2+2=4 R Frndshp is mre
3+3=6 R Frndshp is fix
4+4=8 R Frndshp is great
5+5=10 R Frndshp wil neva end..!

As long as v ve memories yday remains
As long as v hope 2mrw awaits
As long as v ve frndshp
ech day wil nevr wasteI wil walk wid u wen u want 2, bt jus promise tat u wil hide ur wings, Coz i dont want da whole wrld 2 knw tat
my frnd is an ANGEL..!

U've touchd my heart
u've touchd my soul.
Cos of u I nw feel whole.
U'll alwys b my closest friend.
u'll b in my heart til d very end..!

Life is not easy, and it will never be, bt remember u've got frnds, and one of them is me!

1+1=2 R Frndshp is true
2+2=4 R Frndshp is mre
3+3=6 R Frndshp is fix
4+4=8 R Frndshp is great
5+5=10 R Frndshp wil neva end..!

As long as v ve memories yday remains
As long as v hope 2mrw awaits
As long as v ve frndshp
ech day wil nevr waste

Frndshp is not a game 2 play, Its not a word to say, It doesnt start in March & end in May, Its 2mrw,yday,2day & evryday..!

Q: Wat is d height of frndshp?
A: Its wen ur best frnd runs away
wid ur wife & ur really worried
bout ur frnd..!

Категория: Английские смс приколы | Добавил: smsbox | Просмотров: 6139

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